5 Little tweaks you can do with Registry to optimize the speed of your system

Posted Date - January 18, 2024


 Before we get into the ways to increase the speed of the computer we first need to understand what Registry is. A registry is a database used to store the settings of the windows. The data is stored in such a way (hierarchical order) that it can be used at the time of need as efficiently as possible. All the information about the programs and software installed in the system is stored in the registry. The basic setting data of Windows is also stored in the registry. Developed by Microsoft, it mainly increases the ease of retrieving data to send it for further processing.

Why registry is important for the system?

  • Registry is the main database but not for users, for the system. Thus, it stores all important procedural data for hardware and other software programs. Without the registry, there will be no place in the system to act as the database for the hardware and software.
  • Not only data for hardware but service data is also stored in the registry. Service data can be accessed in the system by the other programs as needed.
  • Registry uses hierarchical order for data storage which helps in fast retrieval of data at the time of need.
  • Registry gets data by relevancy, only the relevant data will be shown according to the user and demand. Without a registry data will get clogged up and no relevancy can be achieved in time.

As we have learned registry is an important database tool that is essential for effective, fast, and efficient data processing. Now, it should be clear that a computer processing speed is highly dependent on data retrieval and thus naturally on the registry. So, can you implement some means and tactics to increase this speed through the help of a registry? Of course, you can. Below are the ways you can use to make your registry data retrieval process more efficient and fast.

Steps one can take to increase the speed of the computer by mending with the registry

1. Data management:

 The most basic practice is data management for the registry as data can get piled up and hinder the information retrieval. The data should be cleaned periodically to avoid unnecessary data getting stored in the registry. Try to keep data storage at a minimum in the registry as it will only make it difficult to retrieve relevant data at times of need. Any data which is irrelevant and only taking up space in the registry should be removed from it.

2. Verbose mode:

In Windows 10 and 11, there is a mode called “verbose mode”. You can activate this mode to optimize your computer. Usually, you will need a verbose mode to have a detailed explanation of what your system is doing. However, it can also be used to optimize the process and cut off unnecessary work from the procedure. To activate verbose mode follow these steps:

Step 1: Use these steps in order as given below:


Step 2: Right-click on Microsoft > New> DWORD 32. This

Step 3: Name it “VerboseStatus” and change the value to 32.

At the end of the process, you will need a quick restart.

 3. Remove Shake to Minimize

This feature is a new feature in the Windows operating system but for most people, it is of no use and can be removed with a simple trick. Save a lot of hassle as windows are prone to get minimized from time to time and also increase the efficiency of your system in real-time.

Step 1: Use these steps on your computer in order:


Step 2: Right-click on Advanced> New> DWORD 32.

Step 3: Name it “DisallowShaking” and change the value to 1.

4. Change the animation time:

Animation style eats up most of your procedural time so it will be a big help for your computer if you can change the animation style to a lower end. This will help your UI to move fast. Change the animation time in the control panel.

Step 1: Use the following method in exact order:

ComputerHKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelDesktop

Step 2: On the right side of the panel you will find “MenuShowDelay”.Open “MenuShowDelay” and reduce the value to about 200 milliseconds, this will adjust the animation time to the optimal pace.

5. Increasing Networking speed:

One major part of the processing speed of a computer is increasing network speed of the system. It increases both the output and input time of the system. Not only that the storage but uploading speed also increases thus reducing the overall toll time of computer operations during online dealings.

There are many little tricks and ways to apply in the registry to optimize network speed mainly you will need to check under the Lanman/TCP/IP section. The pathway is given here:


A few things you can tweak are timings of TTl, increasing available ports for Wi-Fi routers, or TCP extensions enabling. Check what works best for your system and apply those settings to it.

At the end:

There are many other ways to tweak registry settings to get more optimum speed and performance results but these are the main steps you can take or changes you can place in your system to increase the base speed of your unit. In this article, we have learned about the registry and its functioning. We have seen why it is important for your system and also how can we do some little tricks with it and use it to increase the overall speed of our system.


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